#4 - Demonstrate a Standard of Excellence in Leadership

Management of the school district is the responsibility of the Superintendent and staff; however, the Board of Education sets the direction and tone for the entire school district as its governing body.

Denver residents care about how the Board operates, expect professional leadership, and desire that student outcomes dominate Board activity. Principally, EDUCATE Denver seeks thoughtful, strategic oversight that leads to high-quality education for all.

Board members pledge to:

  1. Practice honesty, respect, professionalism, kindness, and collaboration as a member of the Board of Education.

  2. Understand their role as part of a governing body that should not engage in efforts to manage the district, individual schools, or programs.

  3. Direct the Superintendent to develop a new strategic plan that prioritizes development of 21st-century skills; school safety; recruitment and retention of high-quality teachers; a robust portfolio of high-quality school options; and measurement/clear presentation of district, school, and student performance data (including student growth and proficiency).

  4. Approve, monitor, and regularly report on progress against the new strategic plan.

  5. Evaluate the Superintendent on a timeline that aligns with the release of district performance data, at the beginning of each school year.

  6. Work cooperatively with the Denver community, including non-profits, civic leaders, and businesses to maximize support from private resources for the district.

Student Outcomes

  • The DPS School Board will spend 75% or more of their meeting time focused on student outcomes and related strategies.

  • Superintendent bonuses and contract extensions will be tied to positive student outcomes and thereby perpetuate effective leadership.

  • DPS will successfully obtain private funding for student programming that increases by 10% year over year.

Other Focus Areas

#1 - Deliver High-Quality Education (HQE) to All Students

#2 - Maximize School Safety

#3 - Enable Parents to Direct Their Child’s Education